Published in Business

Sonoma Pharmaceuticals and EMC Pharma to co-market expanded eye care product line

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5 min read

Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and EMC Pharma, LLC are collaborating on a co-market agreement to launch and sell an expanded line of prescription-based and over-the-counter (OTC) eyecare products.

First up: these companies.

As a global healthcare company headquartered in Petaluma, California, Sonoma is involved in developing and producing stabilized hypochlorous acid (HOCl) products for the following applications:

  • Wound care
  • Eyecare
  • Oral care
  • Dermatological conditions
  • Podiatry
  • Animal health care
  • Non-toxic disinfectants

Why HOCl: Prior research from in-vitro and in-vivo studies has found this naturally-occurring molecule demonstrates antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and other biologic properties for improving wound healing outcomes.

And how has the company utilized this?

Sonoma’s use of HOCl extends to its Microcyn technology-based products, which include both gel and liquid applications with a +2-year shelf life.

  • Note: This patented technology was initially granted FDA 501(k) clearance in 2005.

What these products do: Reduce itching, pain, scarring, and irritation in a safe manner and without damaging healthy tissue, per the company.

Now EMC Pharma.

The pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution company is involved in the sales, marketing, and distribution of prescription pharmaceuticals via a global network of partners.

  • Its focus: Expanding a product portfolio of therapeutics commercialized for the U.S. market.

Those therapeutic areas:

  • Dermatology
  • Eyecare
  • Generics
  • Wound care

Gotcha. So explain this collaboration.

The companies’ partnership actually launched in 2021, when they entered into a distribution agreement for an initial 5-year term.

That deal: EMC was granted the exclusive U.S. right to manage, market, and distribute Sonoma’s prescription-based HOCl dermatology and eyecare products.

  • Plus: EMC was also given a non-exclusive agreement to manage, market, and distribute specific Microcyn-based wound care products into government channels.

A monetary note: Per the agreement, the manufacturing company would acquire all existing inventory as well as pay a royalty and transfer process over that initial term.

And more recently?

An addendum to the agreement now enables the following:

  • EMC has the right to sell Sonoma’s OTC Ocucyn Eyelid & Eyelash Cleanser
    • Its purpose: Formulated with 0.01% HOCl, this “FDA-cleared microbial product” is intended for daily eye hygiene to relieve itch and irritation (as well as for before and after eye exams, treatments/operations)
  • Sonoma has the right to sell EMC’s Acuicyn Antimicrobial Eyelid & Eyelash Hygiene
    • Its purpose: A prescription-based, steroid- and antibiotic-free cleanser also formulated with HCOl in order to help manage red, inflamed, itch eyes
      • Used by ophthalmologists to manage chronic eye conditions symptoms: dry eye, contact lens intolerance, blepharitis, and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)

Does Microcyn technology come into play?

Yes! For both, actually.

Using this HCOl-based technology, Ocucyn and Acuicyn are reported to “gently cleanse the surrounding area of the eye, removing dirt, oil, and debris along with microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.”

What else should I know?

Sonoma also announced it will be introducing a new design and packaging for Ocucyn, including a one-piece dispensing mechanism.

And the reason behind this co-marketing expansion?

Per the companies, the intent is for each to provide their customer base with not just additional eyecare options, but also expand the market reach—as well as attract new customers—for each of the HCOl-based products.

As an added bonus: The companies also expect to increase sales for both OTC and prescription eyecare as a result of this, according to Sonoma CEO Amy Trombly.

Nice! So when will this expanded product line debut?

Next month, during the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois (Oct. 18-21, 2024).

Specifically: Sonoma and EMC will present both Acuicyn and the redesigned Ocucyn.

And in the meantime … where can I get ordering info?

Per Sonoma, Ocucyn is currently available for ordering via its website and on Amazon.

  • To note: Consumers can also order Ocucyn in its new packaging (for an October delivery).

Click here to request a quote for Acuicyn.

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