Published in Research

VTI reports data from Defocus Curve study with mature presbyopes

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Visioneering Technologies, Inc. (VTI) has released promising results from its Defocus Curve study, designed to evaluate the NaturalVue Enhanced Multifocal (MF) extended-depth-of-focus (EDOF) design for presbyopia.

The data was presented by Douglas P. Benoit, OD, FAAO, VTI executive director, Medical Affairs, during the 2024 Global Specialty Lens Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Let’s start with this product.

Designed for single, daily disposable use, NaturalVue (etafilcon A) Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day lenses, VTI’s flagship product, is an EDOF contact lens with ADD power options up to +3.00 for managing both myopia and presbyopia.

The company’s proprietary Neurofocus Optics design creates the EDOF, allowing for multiple focal points—unlike traditional multifocal lenses, which only have two—along the visual axis and resulting in a wider range of clear vision.

Define “defocus curves.”

Defocus curves are created when a series of positive- and negative-powered lenses are presented in front of a patient's eye, measuring the degree of “defocus” that is then induced.

And now the study.

Conducted at four clinical locations, the prospective, non-dispensing, single-masked study enrolled presbyopia participants meeting the following criteria:

  • Aged 50+ (average age of 59.2)
  • ADD requirement of > +2.00 D (average ADD of +2.24)
  • Prescriptions ranging from +2.75 D to -9.50 D

Why choose mature presbyopes?

Per VTI, the intent was to “minimize the impact of residual accommodation and better quantify the performance of this EDOF lens [NauralVue Enhanced MF] design.”

And what was evaluated?

Investigators analyzed the optical characteristics and visual performance of the NaturalVue’s optical profile on the participants’ functional vision.

Now the findings.

Zeroing in on the “defocus curves” portion of the study, VTI reported those that were generated indicated the NaturalVue lens, “provided a full range of functional vision,” with, “ better than 20/40 binocular vision through up to 3.00 D optical vergence demand.”

To note, simulated reading material was an estimated 33 cm/13 inches.

Any statistically significant improvements?

Yes! Patients wearing the NaturalVue Multifocal lenses demonstrated improvement (p < 0.05) in binocular visual acuity (VA) vs single vision correction from -1.50 D through -4.00 D optical vergence demand.

In this case, simulated reading material went from 66 cm/26 inches to 25 cm/9.8 inches.

How did distance vision fare?

VTI reported that distance vision was preserved with the lens, including no decreases in acuity vs best-corrected spectacle vision at distance.

“The strong visual acuities observed indicate patients experienced minimal degradation across a wide visual range,” according to the company, “suggesting the universal ADD enables rapid adaptation and represents a solution for presbyopes of all ages

Any other conclusions?

Based on the data, VTI concluded that the NaturalVue MF lens design provides a single, universal ADD for all presbyopes— setting it apart from other separate low/medium/high designs that require periodic fittings as a patient ages.

So where can I find this lens?

Click here to become a certified fitter.

The presentation, “Is it possible for one ADD to provide good vision to presbyopes of any age? The defocus curve says YES!,” was presented during the 2024 Global Specialty Lens Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 17-20, 2024.

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