Nidek Co., Ltd., and optical technology company Hoya Vision Care have entered into a global alliance to jointly give eye care professionals (ECPs) a complete portfolio of optical instruments and products as a full-service provider for patient care.
Refresh me on both companies.
Nidek specializes in designing, manufacturing, and distributing ophthalmic and optical lens-edging equipment. Hoya Vision’s focus ranges from offering ECPs high-quality lenses, integrated systems, training, and other industry services.
Has Nidek made any products I’ve heard of?
Probably—look no further than the exam lane at your slit lamp microscope or the OPD-Scan III for entrance testing. The company’s portfolio includes ophthalmic diagnostic equipment, customized refractive surgery tools, and ophthalmic lasers for an array of conditions within the cataract, cornea, glaucoma, and retina spaces.
See here for a complete list.
When is this partnership effective?
According to both companies, the partnership is effective immediately.
How can ECPs take advantage of this?
ECPs become a business partner through Hoya, which grants them access to a wide range of products (now including Nidek’s), technology, and business services to use to their practices’ advantage.
How will this affect my patients?
The partnership has the potential for ECPs to gain access to leverage a broader range of more personalized ophthalmic products, including high-performing lenses to further enhance patient care.